Confessions of a Bad Child
Caring Hearts
When a loved one is aging, one of the hardest challenges for family members is having healthy, productive conversations about the issues that surround getting older. Who better to teach us how to do it right than those who did it wrong?
The following stories feature people who have had some version of "the talk" with their aging loved one, and failed. Our senior care experts at Home Helpers provide suggestions for how the resulting feelings of guilt or frustration could have been avoided.

Doctor Visits
“My mom finally agreed to go to the doctor, but then she didn’t tell her how she actually feels. What can I do?”
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Long-Distance Caregiving

“Your column has been very useful in helping us talk to my mother-in-law when we visit, but she lives half a continent away and is in her 70s. How can we tell if she needs help between visits?”
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Submit Your Confession
Did your "tough talk" not go as well as you hoped? Are you considering talking to a parent about their aging care plans, but you’re not sure where to start? Click below to send us a message. We’ll offer our best advice, and—with your permission—share your situation with our readers. Your story may be able to help another family improve their situation as well as your own!
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