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Senior Care

  • Seniors, Caregivers and the End of Daylight Savings Time Seniors, Caregivers and the End of Daylight Savings Time In-home caregiving depends on routine. Not only is it important for the planning and sanity of the caregiver, it’s essential for the stable independence of those we love. The importance of routine and our reliance on it increases as we age. Time changes can be a major ... Read More
  • Aging Statistics Aging Statistics Important Facts About Aging The more we know, the better we can prepare for the changes ahead for our elderly loved ones. These aging statistics offer valuable knowledge about getting older that allows us to understand the needs of our older loved ones and make life easier ... Read More
  • Caregivers Support Seniors Through Disasters Caregivers Support Seniors Through Disasters As many caregivers can attest, our older loved ones sometimes react to tragedies and disasters differently than the rest of us. The news has been full of tragedies for the past several weeks: Puerto Rico, Las Vegas, SW Florida, the Texas Gulf Coast … Constant media report of ... Read More
  • What Grandparents Really Want What Grandparents Really Want As professional in-home caregivers and families of those who count on our support, we know how much grandparents treasure their connections to family. Hollywood gives us a romantic view of grandparents. They are the keepers of family history and comforters in times of family ... Read More
  • You're Closer to Hunger Than You Think You're Closer to Hunger Than You Think We often think of systemic hunger as an inner-city problem, or as something you might find in the backwoods of rural America. But the truth is that no matter where we live, some of our neighbors are hungry. In fact, a study released last year by the Kellogg Company found ... Read More
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