It’s That Time of the Year – Spirits Are Soaring With Excitement and the Start of the New Year Is Just a Blink of the Eye Away!
Emma Dickison
As I reflect on the holiday season, I’m reminded of Christmas’ past. I have so many fond memories of long-awaited visits with family and friends, surprise gifts, and hard-to-hold back laughter. More than anything, my fondest memories are of times spent with my family. Up until nine years ago, it meant the whole family gathering at my grandparents’ house on Christmas Eve and sharing an evening of great times and a lot of good food. We would then attend midnight services together. Once my daughter and I would return home we always got to open one gift, our Christmas pajamas. Though my family is considerably smaller now and my grandparents have passed on, my daughter and I still honor this tradition and by doing so, it connects us to the rest of our family, whether they are scattered throughout the country or are no longer with us.
However you will be spending your holidays, I hope you will have the opportunity to honor your favorite family traditions or create new ones. During this season I wish you joy, peace, and happiness.
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